Sunday, March 16, 2008

Entry 2

Hey everyone,

I'm have had fun in the first couple of weeks at uni, and getting used to the differences between school and uni life. I start my new job on Tuesday, at the Australian Outback Spectacular !!!!

My weekend was alright, on Saturday my friend Kristen and I wanted to go to the beach but we thought it was going to rain, so we went shopping instead. Then we went to a party it was okay it would have been better if i didn't have to end up driving home.


I don't have friends that i have met on the Internet and not in person, this is because before this class (when i had to set up a blog) I didn't blog or do anything else much on the Internet just because the Internet at home was so slow and i just couldn't be bothered!! Soi have no idea what the difference would be between the two. To keep in contact with friends/family i mostly use my mooblie phone its easy and i ALWAYS have it with me like most people my age. Other communications that i now sometimes use include email and this blogspot. I think privacy can be an issue when using some new technologies (espically the internet) because there usually is a way for people to get your detials if your not careful.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

First Blog!!!!!!!

Hi everyone,

I am studying bachelor of Arts this subject is New Communication Tech which is part of my first semester subjects. I chose this subject because i am interested in learning more about the World Wide Web, and I am looking forward to doing the photoshop part of this subject.

I have never done any blogging before, I thought that setting up a blog would be harder than it actually was!

This is a new chapter in the life of Tanille and I am looking forward to all the new experiences that university life has to offer.

Thank-You for reading my blog look forward to hearing from you.
